Vendor Opportunities

Need to Reach Qualified BSCs? BSCAI is Your Solution.

A BSCAI corporate partnership offers ample opportunities to come face-to-face with the top BSC industry professionals and decision makers. With over 1,200 members coming from 30 countries worldwide, having a BSCAI corporate partnership offers exposure into the industry that you can only receive by partnering with BSCAI today. Take advantage of the exclusive opportunities available only to BSCAI Corporate Partners.

To view the latest BSCAI Partner Opportunities, you may download our 2024 Corporate Partner Prospectus or visit our sponsorship website today. For additional information, contact Jim Conlon at (312) 673-4865.

Contracting Profits

Contracting Profits magazine is sent directly 19,500 owners and top-level executives of building service contractor firms. With pass along readership, a total of 42,900 decision makers depend on Contracting Profits to stay on top of key issues they face, including turnover, sustainability, cleaning best practices and technology. This award-winning publication is published 6 times each year and includes coverage of the BSCAI Annual Convention. Each month will feature a BSCAI Member News section. As an advertiser in Contracting Profits, your products and solutions will be seen by business owners whose firms each clean an average of 1.4 million square feet of floor space., the online home of Contracting Profits magazine, with 65,000 unique visitors per month, will feature a BSCAI section offering digital ad opportunities.

 For more information, please contact April Preistler at (414) 228-7701 ext. 515.

BSCAI SmartBrief

BSCAI SmartBrief is delivered twice weekly to nearly 4,400 professionals in the building service contracting industry. This e-newsletter is an effective, targeted, affordable way to reach industry professionals. Use BSCAI SmartBrief to connect with prospects year-round. Reach attendees leading up to the event to promote your trade show presence and increase booth traffic. Advertisers will receive sponsor reports detailing company names, titles and seniority level for subscribers that engage with their 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